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Astro-Profil *Devica*


Astro-Profil Device(23.August – 22.September)

Name: Virgo -is Latin name for Devicu

Motion: Ja is liziram

Planet: Mercury

Colour: Grey, smedja i fresh cold buoys

Animal: Ants, bees and all small, hairy creatures

Metal: Live

Jewelery: Agate, marble

Plants: So zrnevlje kao Kukuruza, Wheat and teeth

Interest: Pharmacist, trader, writer, linguist, pianist, painter, actor, sportsman, pravnik.

What: Hipohondričnost, sitničavost.

Najnepravednija the operative part of the Virgin: "Virgo is meticulous." Imagine what is going around with vocabulary, sharpened pencils, gumenim rukavicama i raznovrsnim alatkama u glavi… Devica sve to stalno nosi i koristi.



Virgo is as “Princess and the Pea” – She knows when something is wrong and there is usually no peace until I put in order. After her nothing is good enough that it could not be better. And it's much better!

So why Virgin have such a bad astrological reputation? Virgo is accused of being too critical, petty, that constantly something nagging, search, complained, points and fixes. And the truth actually lies in the fact that she just wants to help, show errors, teach you for your own good and gifts free advice. But as has been wisely said: “It's bad advise, but give good advice is still the worst – the world is hard to please! This then because Virgin most attacking and this is because of its best features – želje da pomogne drugome.

It is very easy to spot the Virgin in a society, primarily because it will not make a lot of noise around you. How not particularly talkative, usually will stand alone in a corner. Social gatherings are not the right place where to look for these meticulous people. Before you will find them out until late at night doing their jobs – Devica je jedan od retkih znakova kome se sigurno ne može prebaciti da je neradnik.

These people are unable to get enough rest or to enjoy leisure time, primarily because in a society feel uncomfortable. Although sometimes attempt to link social life, sense of obligation to them is so ingrained that they do not allow a lot of easygoing spending time. Device are too busy to daydreaming day, while at night too tired to fantasized with the stars. The typical Virgo always seems to have in mind a difficult problem for searching the solution, or a concern that we hide from others. Probably it is so, as worries as if seeking just this person. Čak i njihov očaravajući osmeh odaje utisak kao da krije neku veliku nevolju.

Born in the sign of Virgo are reasonable, objective and conscientious, and usually well organized. Many are very gifted (Arts, fashion, medicine or literature), but how are modest and tend to stay in the background, are often not well-deserved recognition. Although they often work better than others and more, cassia ponekad ODU to another location. The reason for this is probably that, Device that almost neurotically do not like to accept services from other. They do not like to have any obligations to others, ma koji razlog da je u pitanju.

Virgo is very fast when you need to negate their habits or character traits. Looks like it was quite blind to its faults and completely unable to perceive them. However, it's just an illusion. It all perfectly well see, to the smallest details, but precisely because of inability to all that generalizes. Yet, once you learn to rule complicated life trifles, Devica je u stanju da oblikuje svoju sudbinu sa mnogo više izvesnosti nego ijedan drugi znak zodijaka.

In love Virgo carefully selects partners. Essentially, she is not easy to find the one person that will suit all of its requirements. Virgo is romantic, but not very impulsive in love, is committed to and capable of providing much in a relationship. Yet, her love life as if only by reason and good taste. Such behavior can be represented by others as cold and reserved character. Regardless, Devica uvek uspeva da ostavi svoj lični pecat na život osobe koju voli.

All in all, people born under this sign have a character that seems hard to fathom,. Even when they know deep, may surprise some completely new attitude or idea. But one should remember that they are always ready to sacrifice for a loved one…


Virgo likes to do and work is precise and focused on details, what brings perfect results. The problem is that this is a sign of shrinking and critical as much as a good worker, therefore it is unlikely that the self assessment to assess large. Virgo has a special gift of serving others. Takođe je zainteresovana za telo i očuvanje zdravlja.

Hoses are organs that are associated with this sign; probably because of their so complex shapes as well as the very quick reaction to fear. Virgo is precise, savesna, meticulous, rational and distrustful. A great contributor, on whom you can always rely. More believes in reason than in intuition. Facing the health, agriculture, or i Art. Živi od sopstvenog rada.


Virgo is not ready to differences, especially in love. Her chief advisor in the life of the mind. In intimate relationships shall come only after a detailed analysis of. Eros is no heat, Passion often acted. From partners seeking more than ready to order. Velika sreća joj se retko smeši.


Significant friends Virgo probably witty and smart people, and at the bottom of the list are friends who are trying to surprise, it does not matter whether good intentions. Her earthy nature hates to be trapped in their sleep, becomes upset instantly when he saw the intruder. Close friend will always be able to rely on its intelligent and considerate kindness. Never sentimental or elated, ali ima jasnu logiku i oštroumne šale.


Virgo's health work is vital and it will have what work even on vacation. The routine is relaxing and is much happier when working as a worm in silence, but illuminated floodlights. Do not look for the lead role, but it needs a stable, mentally refreshing work that ensures the use of a sharp eye and steady hand. With money acting prudently, or he is not motivated – even if he found a chicken that lays the golden eggs, ne bi prestala raditi.

Occupations are Device: pharmacist, trader, writer, linguist, pianist, painter, actor, sportista i pravnik.


Virgo feels chic and elegant in a tailored and not too prominent clothing. Fine tones best suit it, and her favorite color tones are nežnosmeđe, plave i sive.

Slavne Device

Agatha Christie – Keanu Reeves – Majka Tereza – Macaulay Culkin – Elvis Costello – Sean Connery – Claudia Schiffer – Shania Twain – Ingrid Bergman – Cameron Diaz – Richard Gere – Van Morrison – Gloria Estefan – Selma Hayek – Jimmy Connors – Charlie Sheen – Raquel Welch – Leo Tolstoy – Otis Redding – Michael Keaton – Jesse Owens – Barry White – Tommy Lee Jones – Oliver Stone – David Copperfield – Greta Garbo – Sophia Loren – Bruce Springsteen

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